Sunday, January 24, 2010
More Goals
So, continuing on with what I plan to accomplish this year which would qualify as my producing my ideal life... I should say that I already have created so much of this. For example, I have the happiest child who taught me about love, the most supportive mother, the best friends, rewarding work, a comfortable home, good health, etc. And I feel like I had to really visualize most of these things in order to materialize them.
For example, I go through periods of my life (okay, nearly 80% of my life) where I am obsessing about food and exercise. I have struggled with this my entire life, which is completely ridiculous because I’m actually very genetically gifted and I’m always fairly physically fit, if not very fit. It is such an odd problem that I’ve struggled with since I can remember, and it has taught me a great deal about how challenging it can be to change “sponsoring thoughts” Undoing beliefs that aren’t producing what I want CAN be difficult for me, but I think that is because I have doubts in my abilities as a creator. It is my goal that once I dig down and find the belief or expectation that is producing some undesired results in my life, that I KNOW it is easy to alter that thought in my head, and a new/better belief is nearly instantaneous. How about THAT for heaven on earth? But currently, I’m not having any issues in the area of my health or body image, so I won’t focus on this much. My point being, I think I’ve done the work mentally to create this part of my ideal life already.
And another noteworthy example, I very consciously held a vision of working well with my ex-husband, even during times that it seemed completely impossible. I can remember lying on the floor crying, wishing I could just sleep for a year or so until I woke up and everything was better. And with my face on the ground, I would picture him and me in a conversation, smiling, even laughing. This was such a far fetched idea, but I forced myself to have it. And that is exactly what I have. I am nearly moved to tears sometimes – tears of joy – because I couldn’t ask for an easier situation than what I have now. And it has been this easy for years. Of course, he gets half the credit for it being so easy. I am just saying that some areas of my life are so obvious for me to see how I’ve already created what I want. And I don’t have to do any more work in these areas.
By the way, do this if you’ve never taken the time. Sit down and consider how you got where you are. Try to follow the thoughts, beliefs, and expectations that got you what you have today. I highly recommend this. This is the first step in helping you understand that you have complete control over your life, which leads to the exciting realization that since you’ve created your current situation, you can create any situation you want!
And I won’t go into this much right now, but understand that if you find serious hurdles in your life, like loss, death, illness, tragedy, etc. I believe these challenges provide us with maybe the only REAL opportunity to figure out what kind of people we really are. The largest hurdles provide us with the chance to see how high we can really jump. “That which doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.” So consider that you may have created (and the Universe provided) opportunities for you to prove your own strength to yourself. And this often comes in the form of a sh*t storm! So please don’t be discouraged by the challenges you find yourself facing, and don't let go of the idea that you can create countless wonderful situations in your life if you choose!
So back to what I want for this year. I mentioned the lottery thing and that would be great. But suppose the Universe wants me to gain my financial freedom in some other way; I’d like to get on with that this year! I’m not asking to be able to purchase an island here. I am college educated, I teach at-risk students for a non-profit organization, and I’m pretty sure I qualify for food stamps! I know I don’t have any insurance or benefits. I’ve done some serious reflection in this area with regard to WHY I’ve created a situation where I struggle to make ends meet on a monthly basis. My current work is, by far, the most rewarding work I’ve ever done. I think my own personal identification with being poor is so ingrained deep within me that I struggle to release that. Or maybe I feel like a better person because I help people and don’t do it for the money. Whatever this ‘sponsoring thought’ is, I’d like to remove it from my mind and replace it with one that serves me better! I’m ready to be compensated for my work and energy, so I’d like to work on that this year.
I want to fill my life with more like-minded people. I have great friends now. But people are the most important aspect of life, in my opinion, so I could always use more. And by like-minded, I guess I mean people who don’t judge and who allow me to be whatever I choose to be. I’d like to surround myself with people who reflect goodness back to me, who see good in me. I think I offer this, so it is fair that I ask for it in return! :)
I want an ideal partner for me. I’m an idealist. I’m not sure if that is good or bad. I don’t expect to find a “perfect” situation, but I’d like to find someone who fits with me. I’m not listing a bunch of attributes here because I didn’t plan this to be a dating service! I’d just like to let go of people who aren’t great for me as soon as I know it and open myself to find someone who is great for me. This is high on my priority list. (You may get a good kick out of watching me bumble and stumble through attempting to reach this goal this year! It is often funny, ugly, exciting and somewhat scary, but I always learn something valuable! Besides, this year I plan to get it right!)
I want to convince myself I am getting younger, and hopefully my appearance and attitude will reflect this. Yeah, THIS is going to be interesting. But just imagine how remarkable if I succeed!!
I want clear, accurate communication from Spirit. I say Spirit meaning my Higher Self, spirit guides, angels, God, nature…anything like that. I already have some incredible communication that I may share at some point when I am feeling brave, but I am not 100% sure it is accurate! I don’t have the faith I need in myself or the process or whatever, so even though I get positive, encouraging, helpful messages that guide me in the right direction, I also have a bag full of doubts to go with that. I’d like to release those doubts and trust this guidance.
I guess that’s it. It didn’t take long to put down in words, but I’ve put a great deal on my plate! Lottery, get younger, find my ideal partner, and communicate with something or someone (or many) who have a broader perspective and who can help me (and maybe you too, if I’m brave enough to share) create a happy life! Yeah, WOW!
I can do this!! I can do this! I can do this! (It helps to picture the Little Engine That Could here!)
(PS. I pull some pics from the visionboard at -- I love those guys! You should check it out and sign up for them Messages from the Universe -- brilliant stuff!)
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