Friday, May 21, 2010

“I am SO happy! My life is perfect! I couldn’t possibly ask for more! I am healthy! I see good in all people and living creatures! I see the beauty in nature! I appreciate every single little thing about right here and right now! I am present! I have everything I could ever want or need! I am so lucky that I have work that I love and that returns so much to me! I am so lucky that I have so much free time to spend with my son, my friends, and my family! I have the best son in the world who gives me opportunities daily to prove to myself that I am a loving, patient, kind mother! I am so in love! I have the best partner in the world who treats me like a queen and gives me opportunities daily to show myself what a great partner I can be too. No one can ever hurt me! I am full of energy! I am never bored! I am beautiful! I can eat whatever I want and still be healthy and pretty! I am getting younger! My home is so perfect for me and my family! I am intuitive and I am always guided in the right direction! And I actually pay attention to the guidance, thank goodness! I AM SO EXCITED!!! How did I find so many great people to share this experience?? I am the luckiest person in the entire world! Life is good! Life is so much better than good!”

This is what I try to do every day. It only takes a few minutes and I actually feel very excited when I write this. (How can I not with all those exclamation points?) I can actually feel the vibration in my body rising and the happiness increasing. I can feel physical effects and I am simply talking to myself. Incredible! And what if there is such thing as the Law of Attraction – then I have just started attracting a whole lot more happiness! Sometimes what I write isn’t actually something I am experiencing NOW. However, I always speak as though it is. And honestly, 90% of what is written above is a reality of my life. Some of it wasn’t always, but I have been saying these statements for a long time. I never gave up even when there was no evidence of it in front of me. And now I have some things I never ever thought I’d have. Five minutes a day – that is all it takes. Sometimes I spend a little more time fantasizing about certain aspects of these as I drive in the car or wash dishes, but I still consider it FUN!

Try it! It may just work like I think it does!

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