Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day One

Hello! My name is Miachel (it is pronounced My Shel). Welcome to my blog! It just recently occurred to me that I should start my own blog. I am actually fairly technologically ignorant and I feel guilty if I spend too much time on the computer, so blogging hadn’t crossed my mind in the past. However, I rented Julie and Julia, the movie about the woman who blogs her way through making all the recipes in Julia Child’s cookbook – and lo’ and behold! I was inspired! I haven’t done any research or prep work for blogging, I’m just going in, head first. So if you are a well-wisher, you might wish me luck! Hopefully, blogging is a fairly simple process and all I have to do is come up with interesting posts!

I actually have a planned (and I use the term loosely) topic! I have been toying around with some ideas for years. I say toying, but I guess I take them quite seriously – I just get “caught up” in life too often and these ideas take the back burner. So, I figured that a blog would sort of entice me to move forward. I mean, even if I have just one reader, I hope I feel a sort of obligation to do what I said I would do – and this will keep my ‘motivation ball’ rolling! So, yes, this is an attempt to keep me focused and on track! As well as, perhaps unexpected surprises will come about also, like I meet some like-minded friends or someone offers up a healthy debate to keep me on my toes! It feels like a good idea, so I’m rolling with it!

So here are the nuts and bolts of my “plan” for the year 2010. I’m going to sort of combine a few ideas into one jumbled up creative project/stew! This year I want to focus on, 1) creating my own personal ideal life (or “Heaven on Earth”), 2) tapping into the wisdom of my Spiritual guidance that lies within me, and 3) debunking the myths of aging. If you are thinking this is a lot to tackle in one year – well, I agree! But I’m ready! I didn’t just start this today, I have spent years researching, reading, studying, contemplating, meditating on, journaling about…you get the idea. I have laid the groundwork, so to speak. And I can tell you, that you can read all you want, but if you never make any internal changes, the years just pass and nothing much changes externally either. So I’m ready!

Whereas I am thrilled to be motivated by the idea of readers interested in my progress, I have some teeny reservations about blogging. Blogging is actually like giving a piece of yourself away without knowing who you are giving it to, or if they will be gentle with you! I wish I could say that I’m as solid as a rock and I cannot be discouraged by doubters as I wade through the waters of my personal adventure of life, and maybe I can’t. Hopefully, I can’t! I just want to explore, learn, grow, figure something out for myself, and mostly, hopefully, inspire someone out there to do the same too. I know not everyone will agree with me. Believe me, I know. And I’m perfectly fine with that. I guess I have some tiny fears, but ultimately I’m just excited at the idea of doing something great this year and sharing that with you.

I may challenge your way of thinking. But if it isn’t entirely offensive to you, stick with me for a bit. You see, to some people my ideas are as natural as roasting marshmallows while camping or buying popcorn at the movies; and to others, my ideas are as foreign as people being born with four sets of eyes or cats walking backwards. And honestly, most people probably fall somewhere in the middle of believing and disbelieving what I plan to present here. Hell, I’m just trying to figure most of this out, so I can relate to anyone’s stance on my ideas. I would just like to say that I can only follow what feels real inside of me. For as long as I could remember, my mother told me that I create my reality. I didn’t really get that when I was young. And when I was in my twenties and early thirties, I didn’t really believe it. Then, one day it made sense to me. I found many books that supported this theory. It is certainly becoming a mainstream idea since such movies as The Secret or What the Bleep is Down the Rabbit Hole. I will certainly mention my most valued authors and teachers here, at some point, and they operate under the assumption (some even say ‘law’) that we are our own personal creators of the very life we lead. All of it. Not parts of it, or moments of it, or shades of it -- all of it! I like the analogy that I read recently that our lives are created within us, and then that creation is projected outward so that our inner world may be interpreted by our senses. And what we see in our exterior world is a perfect replication of what is within us. This is uncomfortable for some people to hear because they see a lot of crap in their lives and they don’t wish to think that they created such things. And I will address this more at a later time, but think of the beauty and empowerment you feel when you realize that NOW THAT YOU KNOW – you can create anything you want!

I’m hoping to prove to myself, and to you, if you so choose to embark on this journey with me, that these aren’t myths. These are truths. And we can be happier and healthier and live longer when we realize that WE decide what our life is – what our reality is! I am going to try hard to maintain focus on creating my own personal heaven on earth, altering my own personal signs of aging, and utilizing my spiritual guidance from within this year. This is my year. This is our year. If I can prove to myself, and consequently prove to even one other person who’s reading, that we can be or do or have anything in the world that we so choose, then this documentation will be worth it!


  1. Congratulations on your new blog! I am looking forward to reading and being inspired!!

  2. Wow Miachel! I am so proud of you for taking such a big leap of faith! I love reading your words. I am intrigued and look forward to hearing more of your inspirational thoughts.
